More drawings from Life Drawing Group

Below are some more of my drawings and some quick sketches from the weekly Life drawing group that I attend in Ely.

The drawings are in chronological order with a brief commentary.

Sharon 8/2/18

I decided to use some chalk pastels to add a bit of colour. The head looks a little small compared to the left thigh.

Life Drawing 8-2-18 Sharon

Brian 15/2/18

Two sketches of Brain. I like the way I have caught the pose in the first and in the again the pose is well described. The second sketch suffers from the left leg being too short.

Life Drawing 15-2-18 Brian 1

Life Drawing 15-2-18 Brian 2

Eva 22/2/18

Pose interesting and drawing proportionally correct

Life drawing 22-2-18 Eva

A further attempt at using chalk pastels. I struggled to get the foreshortening on the leg.

Life Drawing 22-2-18 Eva 2

Sharon 8/3/18

Proportions about right, could have done with more time to improve the face and hair.

Life Drawing 8-3-18 Sharon 1

The foreshortening on the thighs was the challenge in this sketch. I’m reasonably happy with how I captured them.

Life Drawing 8-3-18 Sharon 2

This pose suggests an elegance that is perhaps flattering.

Life Drawing 8-3-18 Sharon 3

Sharon 19/4/18

I find rear views interesting and challenging as there are an absence of strong features and therefore the tonal qualities become more important.

Life Drawing 19-4-18 Sharon 1

The overall foreshortening and the angle of the raised leg provided the challenges in this sketch.

Life Drawing 19-4-18 Sharon 2

Eva 3/5/18

A couple of quick sketches, 3 and 4 minutes. I like how I captured these poses.

Life Drawing 3-5-18 Eva 1

The right leg looks a bit odd but i like the arm leading to the hand on the head.

Life Drawing 3-5-18 Eva 2

I concentrated a bit more on trying to get a better portrait in this sketch. This led to the problem with the models left leg which is wrong.

Life Drawing 3-5-18 Eva 4


Dexter 10/5/18

A quick sketch, 5 minutes, interesting pose. I feel the drawing has an element of Picasso in it.

Life Drawing 10-5-18 Dexter 1

I have made Dexter look much older than he is but I feel that I captured the pose.

Life Drawing 10-5-18 Dexter 2

This was an interesting challenge. The pose meant that I could not see most of the model. I was confronted with a pair of legs and an outstretched arm. The addition of colour was my attempt to make the sketch more interesting and to bring out some tonal qualities.

Life Drawing 10-5-18 Dexter 3

Overall I feel that I am slowly improving my observational skills and the resultant sketches are becoming more confident. If I look back at the drawings I made last year I can see progress. I also remember the trepidation that I initially felt, this is no longer the case. I will certainly continue to attend these life drawing sessions.

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