Ely Life Drawing Group

As a last post for this part of the course I thought that I would add a few drawings that I have made since the start of the year at the Ely Life drawing group. I have been a member of the group since joining in January 2017 and will continue to enjoy these sessions for the foreseeable future.

The group meets at the Babylon Gallery in Ely on Thursday evenings. The sessions are normally attended by between 8 – 12 artists. Currently we have three regular models, Sharon, Eva and Brian who rota alternatively over the weeks. The sessions are split into a number of poses which are for 1,2,3,4,5 minutes then two 20-25 minutes poses and after a break for coffee a 40-45 minute pose.

I normally find that the 1 to 4 minute poses act as a warm up and can usually only get a suggestion or outline of the pose. The five minute pose often results in a presentable sketch but light on tone. The two 20 – 25 minute poses and the longer pose give more opportunity to explore both tonal qualities and also to concentrate on the face.

The drawings below are in chronological order, the timing of the poses can be seen on the drawing.

SHARON 11/1/18



BRIAN 18/1/18


EVA 25/1/18


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