Project Still Life – Exercise: Drawing in Paint

I approached this exercise by making a number of sketches around the house. My aim was to try and find an interesting subject or to see something from an unfamiliar viewpoint.

The nine sketches I made are shown in order below.

Exercise Drawing in paint, sketch 1Exercise Drawing in paint, sketch 2Exercise Drawing in paint, sketch 3Exercise Drawing in paint, sketch 4Exercise Drawing in paint, sketch 5Exercise drawing in paint, sketch 6Exercise Drawing in paint, sketch 7Exercise drawing in paint, sketch 8Exercise Drawing in paint, sketch 9

I liked the simplicity of the composition with the recorder and glass viewed from below and made two sketches of this and also took a photograph to assist in the painting process.

Photo for Still Life 1.jpg

I completed the painting and looked back at the brief for the exercise. I felt that perhaps I had missed some of what the exercise was about and had completed a painting which although it had drawing aspects to it had strayed away from what was required. I finished the painting by emphasising some of the lines which I feel detracted from the work but returned it to closer to the brief. The final painting is shown below.


I’m reasonably happy with certain aspects of the painting. I feel that is an interesting viewpoint and the linear aspects of the shelving come through. I feel that the glass lacks some subtlety, the lines make it look a bit clunky. The recorder has some perspective issues but holds interest. Overall I feel that I could have made a better painting but was trying to meet the brief of the exercise which added constraints.



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